The most complete and independent guide to the Chianti region of Italy excursions and accomodations

Some related links to help you plan your holiday in the Chianti


Italian rail website 
The site contains the timetable for all the italian rail sistem. It is possible to book and buy the ticket online

Bus "SITA" for the Florence sourroundings
The bus service to go from Florence to the main villages and back. The SITA bus serve mainly the area between Florence and Siena.

BUS "ATAF" for the town of Florence
The bus service for the Florence town with a very useful bus map of the town lines.

Italian Highways
Official web site of the company who manage the Italian highways for information on the traffic and forecast for the traffic conditions in the high season.

Pisa Airport official web site
Arriving in the Pisa airport you can arrange the rental of a car. 

Florence airport official web site
The Florentine airport to fly directly into Florence.

Up to date collection of events in Florence: night life, disco, theatre, dance, trade fair and exibitions.

Florence concierge information
Another up to date collection of useful informations on the Florence resources.

Beni culturali
Official web site of the Italian cultural resources (Museums etc.)  with promotions and specials to enjoy museums at reduced price or in extended timetabe.


Accomodations  appartments for a great  stay at a cheap price 



Let's cut a track: (Where do you want to go)
Start point (To the first page-Index)
Introduction (To the Introduction)
Who am I (Presentation)
The Chianti Region (Secret and famous treasure)
Excursions (My excursions on the land)
Accomodations (Where you can stay)